Working women share their best advice

"Be part of the solution, not part of the problem" or "don't be afraid to make mistakes." We've all heard them. Great pieces of advice that stick with you and in some cases maybe even shape the course of your career.

Karen Vidt is a Certified Public Accountant and owns a thriving tax business. One secret for her success: be very clear when you communicate.

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"You just expect people to know what you think, know what you want, and they don't always," said Vidt.

Executive Coach Dr. Janice Sabatine says communication really is key.

"Think first. Really synthesize your ideas before you open your mouth," she said.

Or for those who lean toward being long-winded there's WAIST: why am I still talking?

Everyone has at least one gem of wisdom they've filed away for later.

"I would say the best piece of advice I've ever gotten has been to not compromise any values," said Kim Ebersole.

"To always present yourself as if it's your own business," said Chris D'Angelo.

"Try new things. It's okay to make a mistake because we learn from it," said Mary Lou Barud.

Sabatine says sometimes you learn the most from situations you like the least. No one likes criticism, whether it's constructive or not. For those times, remember Q-tip: quit taking it personally.

"Many of my clients tell me they don't always have the Q-tip on them, but they think of it or they'll put their hand in their pocket and remember the Q-tip. When there's some kind of interaction going on, quit taking it personally," said Sabatine. lists the biggest mistakes women make at work. One of the big ones: trapping yourself in a non-business role. In other words, do not be the one to take on cleaning up after office meetings or the one responsible for bringing in the birthday cakes. Another big mistake: bringing inappropriate girl behavior into the office. Leave gossiping for your time with your girlfriends. Also, women are often accused of thinking too small. Don't get caught up on the details or you'll be considered the dream killer. Good advice for everyone.

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