Healthy swaps on a budget

Eat fish twice a week to get your Omega-3s.  Eat five to six servings of veggies and fruits every day.  Do crossword puzzles to boost your memory.  Exercise four or five times a week. 

The rules for healthy living seem endless, but healthy living can get expensive and who has the time? We have some health trade-offs for those must do's that really work.

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First, you may have heard that you should eat all organic produce to avoid pesticides, but that can get expensive.  Instead, choose organic versions of the vegetables that are highest in pesticides like apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and grapes.  The Environmental Working Group has a list of the "dirtiest dozen" fruits and vegetables online.

Another health goal is to brush your teeth after every meal; but that's not always an option.  The American Dental Association recommends chewing sugarless gum when you can't get to your toothbrush.  Studies show chewing it for 20 minutes after meals helps prevent tooth decay.

Another healthy goal that you might be aware of is to exercise most days of the week.  Instead, try to get moving throughout the day in small ways, at least every hour. 

Tom Holland, author of "The 12-Week Triathlete," says think about the acronym N.E.A.T.: non-exercise activity thermogenesis.  It refers to little activities we do during the day that boost metabolism.  One example would be to try walking lunges down the hallway.

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