Study: Sugar tax solution to obesity

A new study claims taxing sugar could cut calorie intake

If you have a sweet tooth there's a chance you're not going to like the idea of taxing sugar. 

The Huffington Post reports a National Bureau of Economic Research study reveals a solution to combating the United States obesity epidemic. 

By taxing sugar, economists Matthew Harding and Michael Lovenheim believe American's calorie intake would decrease. The study suggests the intake would decrease by 18 percent.

The study suggests a 20 percent sugar tax. According to the study taxing the crystalline substance would decrease American's consumption of sugar by more than 16 percent. 

Harding and Lovenheim believe overall taxing sugar is the better solution to putting an end to the epidemic that claims millions of Americans' lives every year.

According to the World Health Organization obesity is taking over with the majority (two thirds) of Americans overweight. The World Health Organization states each year 2.8 million Americans die from suffering from obesity. 

The study suggests taxing a single product such as soda is not as effective.

From 2002 to 2007 the economists studied Americans' food habits including purchases. The study covered 123 million Americans' food purchases. From studying people's spending it led to the conclusion of taxing sugar to be a step in the right direction. 

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