Best day to shop, score deals

Better deals offered on Thanksgiving day, according to

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The expansion of Black Friday can be confusing and stressful. There are now big sales now on Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We know a lot of you are left wondering when the items you want will be their cheapest. One consumer website has done a lot of homework to figure that out

If you can only shop on one day this year, go shopping on Thanksgiving.
That's according to Almost every product category they examined shows better deals on Turkey Day.

On Thanksgiving, Dealnews said you will find the best deals on Android phones, TV's, speakers, iPads, books, movies, kitchen items, toys, data storage, tools, appliances, video games and music.

On Black Friday, their research shows that you are going to get the best bargains on laptops, headphones, iphones, garden items and kitchen items.

Wait for Cyber Monday if you want the best deals on cameras, toys, travel, clothing shoes and beauty products.

For the complete list and more on how conducted the research to find this information, click here for the full article.

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