Capture breaking news, send us your photos

See it, shoot it, share it

Channel 4 does its best to cover interesting and newsworthy events across northeast Florida and southeast Georgia, but we can't be everywhere. That's where our viewers can help.

While there are dozens of journalists at the local station, there are over a million people spread across the 17 counties in the viewing area that we're proud to serve.

If you see something of interest to you, it may very well be of interest to other Channel 4 viewers. Grab a still image or shoot some video and share it with our audience.

It might be a house fire, a wreck on the highway or a plane making an emergency landing. Or it could be something more human and touching, like a Good Samaritan helping someone whose car has broken down or a firefighter helping a cat out of a tree.

Don't risk your safety, but grab a shot or record some video with your cell phone or camera and send it in using the form below. If it's easier, you can also send it as an e-mail to:

Be sure to include as much information as possible about the event. Some of the material may be used on the air.

If you don't have a camera with you but see something newsworthy, let our assignment desk know by calling 904-393-9844 or sending an e-mail to:

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