Do's, don'ts after a car crash

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Cars crash every day. If injuries are involved, emergency responders are the first to be called. But what if it's just a minor mishap that's more inconvenient than life threatening? First, stay calm. Then, take notes.

"Most of us carry a camera around on our phones, so it's a great way for you to document what happened. Take pictures of your car; take pictures of the scene because you can have those to share with your insurance company or the police, for that matter," said Angie Hicks, founder of Angie's List.

Your photos should help tell the story of what happened. They can also expedite an insurance claim.

"The best things that can be shown in a photo that you can get at the time of the accident is something that will show us several things: the points of impact on the car; any road markers that there may be, such as a turn lane, traffic lights; getting a snapshot of the license plate of the other party; and very importantly, getting a snapshot of their insurance identification card," explained insurance agent Craig Hoge.

In some wrecks, like a rear-end collision, it seems easy to assign blame, but don't be pressured into accepting responsibility until all the facts are gathered.

"You don't ever want to admit fault because in many cases, there's other factors that have happened in an accident that you are not aware of. Somebody, maybe, that it's a no turn on red and they've turned, which can cause, at worst, contributory liability," said Hoge.

"Don't sign anything at an accident scene unless it's something the police are asking you to sign. What you want to do in that scenario is you just want to be exchanging your information with the other driver. Exchange your contact information and your insurance information, but leave the rest of the documentation to the police."

Hicks says to expect an increase in your insurance premium if you have more than two significant claims in a short period of time. The decision to file a claim is simple: if your damage costs less than your deductible, pay for the repair yourself.

After the Crash Do's and Don'ts Checklist:

  • Do stay calm and check for injuries: Take a breath and be sure no one needs medical attention.
  • Do take safety precautions: If it's possible, get your car off the road to minimize chances of a second crash from oncoming traffic. If you can't move the vehicle, put on flashers, add flares and get yourself out of harm's way.
  • Do make a few calls: Call 911 if you need medical assistance, but also alert police of the incident. They may send officers. Then, call your insurance agent. Then, call a friend or family member to alert them of your status.
  • Do take down information: Use your smart phone to snap photos of the scene, the other driver's license plate and insurance information.
  • Don't admit blame: This is a high stress situation and you may not have all the facts at hand, so don't talk details with the other party. Save that for police and insurance officials.
  • Don't just call the first towing service you find. Do a little research or call a friend to do that for you as you sort through other issues at the scene. Ask your agent if you're covered and what to do to be sure you get the full benefit of your policy.

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