Eating avocado reduces snacking

Avocado lets a person feel fuller

If you're looking to kick the snack habit a study by a nutritionist from the Loma Linda University in California suggests eating half an avocado at lunch rids of the feeling to snack after lunchtime. 

The Daily Mail reports experts say eating half an avocado reduces a person's temptation to want to snack.  They also claim the fruit helps a person feel fuller. 

Researchers took 26 participants and had half add a half of fresh avocado to their meal while the other half stuck to a standard lunch. 

From their, participants were to say if they were hungry within three hours after eating and then again when it was five hours after the midday meal.

From the study published in the Nutritional Journal it showed the denial to want to snack had decreased for those who added half an avocado to their lunch. After three hours almost half (40 percent) had a decreased desire and 28 percent within the five hours.

Nutritionist Dr. Joan Sabate says this is because the avocado led them to be more satisfied which helps a person from wanting to snack.

Experts don't know if the results can be applied overall to people instead of just subjected to a small group of participants. 

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