Jim Clark: Talk to sons about public perception

Trayvon Martin case spurs discussion

Jacksonville, Fla. – Whether you agreed with the George Zimmerman verdict or not, the events surrounding the Trayvon Martin case have become a topic of conversation in households across the country. Parents with young men in the house are asking, when should they have  "The Talk," which suggests a type of conversation that black men should have with their sons. Jim Clark, licensed social worker and CEO of Daniel helps us understand how important it is for fathers to be involved in this discussion is.

Clark says the talk is not necessarily for African American who has a young man in the house.

"Men tend to be more agressive or seen as more agressive sort of more intimidating so it's really important I think for all fathers, black brown or white to have these kinds of conversations," Clark says. "And take this as an opportunity to talk to your child about those types of things."

Clark says there are situation where you need to teach your child they can't say everything they want to you can't act the way that you might want to.

"There are injustices in our world that's just the way it is," Clark says. "Many of us have biases all of us have some kind of bias, and how to deal with that bias or those circumstances is really important."

Clark says in his household he discussed how to deal with authority particularly a police officer. He says some things to remembers are to always respect authority figures, keep your hands visible and be courteous at all times.

"Your attitude can often determine the outcome of situations," Clark says.

Other advice Clark gives: keep hands visible, turn on overhead lights, don't reach for glove compartment if ever stopped by a police officer.

"We have to understand that they have a lot of different situations that they conduct themselves or have to be involved with," Clark says.

Lastly, Clark leaves this piece of advice to young men.

"Be above reproach," Clark says. "Have nothing to contribute to bias."

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