Spring cleaning? Don't forget your closet

What to keep, toss, donate, and consign

JACKSONVILLE, Fla – As you're spring cleaning don't forget your closet. It's definitely a place we should all evaluate at least once a year. Start with four basket with things you want to toss, consign, tailor, and donate. It helps to also be organized and honest especially with those items that just need to go.

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I have my own closet it's a small walk in.  It's packed and disorganized.

"But this a typical closet we can work with this," says Beth Sullivan, Fashion Stylist, Sei Bella Image Consulting.

After having two babies, I have a lot of different sizes, styles, and clothes that I probably should never wear again.  Sullivan's first rule is a hard one for me.

"My number one rule is to always dress for the now never the when or the then.  Don't say I might get into that, just pass them on, or just get rid of them," says Sullivan.

There are a lot of options on where those items can go.

We divide up items into a toss, donate, consign and tailor bin.  Then you go through your closet item by item. Taking a look at clothes, shoes, and purses. Sullivan says get rid of items you don't wear or use.

I found a pink Michael Kors dress that I've been holding onto for years, it has to go because of stains I can't get out.

"It's probably not consignable, so it's in the Goodwill or toss bin," says Sullivan.

That's the reality check sometimes you just have to let it go.  Also when it comes to shoes most of those you should toss.

"You can't consign a lot of shoes," says Sullivan.

Unless they're designer or vintage Sullivan says they're usually something you should toss or donate.  One place that's a good consign option purses.  

Beth also pointed out that sometimes the problem when it comes to your clothes is just the way they fit.

"20-30% of your clothes need to be tailored," says Sullivan.

Tailoring is an option that might make your clothing worth keeping.  But if you're on the fence Sullivan says get rid of it.

Once you get a handle on what you're going to keep

, Sullivan suggest getting rid of the wire and plastic hangers and go velvet.

"I got rid of all my plastic hangers. They're bulky and they take up a lot of space.  You're a lot more likely to gain closet space, see how thin they are," says Sullivan.

It's definitely a process and give yourself some time but this is a good place to start.

Coming up tomorrow at 7:55am and 8:45am I'll show you the closet transformation.

If you want to get in touch with Beth Sullivan, Sei Bella Image Consulting, call 904-629-2991

About the Author

Anchor on The Morning Show team and reporter specializing on health issues.

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