Tips for saving money on food shopping



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Plan Ahead


Plan a menu for the next week or however long you are grocery shopping for. Take stock of what you currently have before you go shopping and use that to make your list, taking into consideration leftovers. This will help you stick to what you know you need and not buy extra items or items you already have. Check for coupons for the items that are on your list. Have a light snack before you leave, nothing increases impulse buying than going shopping hungry.


Buy produce in season


Check the weekly ads to find which store has the best option for produce that is in season. Typically, when it is in season, it is priced to sell so it can be up to 10 time cheaper than when it is off season. Shopping farmers’ markets is also a great way to buy cheap and fresh produce.


Plant a garden


Aside from the money saving elements to it, there are many other rewarding aspects of growing your own produce. Store-bought can’t really compare to something that comes fresh out of a garden you grew yourself. If you don’t have the room, check into neighborhood community gardens or start small with fresh herbs.


Buy generic


All food manufacturers have to follow standards to provide food and beverages that are safe and of high quality so a lot of time, when you are buying brand names, you are paying for the name and not necessarily a high quality of product. If you have concerns about the quality of the generic, compare the ingredients listed with a brand name.


Clip coupons


Lower your grocery bill by planning your meals around what is on sale and what you have a coupon for. Don’t buy something you normally wouldn’t just because it’s on sale, chances are you won’t use it after you buy it. Also, stock up on staples when they are sale and store the extras for later.


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