Listen up, pregnant moms! This nutrient leads to smarter babies

Pregnant women, are you getting enough nutrients? If the answer is no, then it’s a no for your baby too!

A study at Seattle Children’s Research Institute highlighted that 46% of mothers are deficient in Vitamin D during pregnancy, which can lead to abnormal bone growth, fractures, or rickets in newborns.

However, if you’re consuming a healthy amount, it could help your child in other ways in the long run.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient passed on to the baby in utero, but a new study shows that higher levels during pregnancy are linked to children having higher IQ scores ages 4 to 6. This also means that if you are deficient, it may impair key parts of development.

“The immune system has to be altered in order to hold onto somebody who’s only half of your own genetics,” said Dr. Brian Gastman, surgical director of the Melanoma & High-Risk Skin Cancer Program at Cleveland Clinic.

Black pregnant women bear the brunt of it, with 80% of them being deficient. While their melanin pigment protects against sun damage, it also blocks ultraviolet rays, and that reduces Vitamin D production in the skin.

If you notice any tiredness, severe bone or muscle pain, difficulty climbing stairs, difficulty getting up, or stress fractures in your legs, pelvis, and hips, talk to your doctor.

“Vitamin D is certainly a good thing if a physician recommends it,” said Dr. Jeffrey Drebin, chair of the Department of Surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Supplements might be their recommendation, with the average dosage being 600 international units.

Consuming foods like salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, fortified milk, orange juice, cereal, and yogurt can boost your levels.

But the cheapest way? Sunlight. Five to ten minutes of exposure two to three times per week will keep you and your little one safe, smart, and strong.

Doctors will run a simple blood test for a clear diagnosis. If you have a severe deficiency, they may instead recommend high-dose Vitamin D tablets or liquids for a few weeks. Do consult your doctor because there can be negative effects of too much Vitamin D.

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