Who is Jay Inslee, Democratic candidate for president?

Current Washington governor has bounced back after losing elections

Say what you want about Jay Inslee, but one thing for certain is that he is a resilient politician.

Oftentimes, people who lose elections go back into the corporate world and fade into political oblivion, but that didn’t happen to Inslee, despite him losing two big elections.

After first being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992, Inslee was defeated in a 1994 reelection bid for Washington’s 4th Congressional District.

Five years later though, Inslee gave it another shot and was elected to serve Washington’s 1st Congressional District.

He was reelected six times after that.

In 1996, Inslee ran for governor of Washington but only came in fifth during a blanket primary before the general election.

In 2012, after resigning from Congress, Inslee ran for governor again in Washington and this time was successful, defeating Republican candidate Rob McKenna.

Inslee is still the governor of Washington, but on March 1, he announced he is going for something bigger, the White House.

Inslee threw his hat into the crowded ring of Democratic candidates when he announced his candidacy for president on March 1.

Inslee has already talked about how his main campaign platform is climate change and how it is a national emergency.

Click here to see more news about Jay inslee.


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About the Author

Keith is a member of Graham Media Group's Digital Content Team, which produces content for all the company's news websites.

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