Sheriff: More money being cut from budget

Mayor's office said initial $22 million reduction has not changed

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said it was initially told by the mayor it would need to cut $22 million from its budget, but now Sheriff John Rutherford said there are calls for an even greater reduction.

Rutherford said another $6.1 million needs to come out of JSO's budget, bringing the total amount to $28 million.

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The mayor's office told Channel 4 that the budget discussed with the sheriff has not changed. There is no explanation Tuesday night on how the mayor's office and the sheriff are seeing different numbers in the same budget.

A sheriff's office spokesperson says JSO is working with the mayor's office to sort it out.

Channel 4 will continue to follow this story and will bring you more details on what this means for public safety.

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