Residents complain of raw sewage at apartment

Renter says sewage has flooded apartment 3 times in 2 weeks

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A family living in the Willow Lake Apartments off Arlington Road is frustrated over raw sewage that is coming into the family's apartment.

Residents of the complex said they have filed numerous complaints but nothing has been done.
"Raw human waste, urine and all, it's coming in everywhere," Dennis Clark said. "Up in the tubs, in the kitchen."
Clark and his wife pay hundreds of dollars for their apartment, but even though they are paying rent, they say the Willow Lakes Apartments management isn't fixing the raw sewage issues in their building. 

Clark said he's cleaned up the mess, but he's at his wit's end because it keeps happening.
"This is the third time within two weeks we've been flooded out with raw sewage," Clark said. "Just smell it. I can smell it. It's bad."
Clark said the flooding happens mostly in the bathroom and bedroom closet.
"I've been up all night long mopping because I had to take all my stuff and put it in storage," Clark said. "We had to throw a lot of stuff away, and I'm tired of throwing my stuff away."
Earlier in the year when a tree crashed through their roof, he said all the complex did was put a tarp on the roof.
"I mean, you could not walk," Clark said. "I had to wear my shoes in my own place all the time because it's too wet."
The property management didn't want to answer questions on Friday.

Clark said he called code enforcement, and they said they will be out to check on the apartments in a few days.?

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