Easter dangers for your pets

During the week of Easter, the Pet Poison Helpline receives a nearly 200 percent increase in calls concerning pet poisoning. The simplest Easter goodies can be harmful, or even deadly to your cat or dog.

Kids love Easter egg hunts. They find most of the colorful Easter eggs you hide, but what about those eggs that no one finds, and later your cat or dog does?  If they are the real thing, it's important to note that noiled eggs go bad in two hours or less outside.  Eating them can make your pet sick.  And if you hide fake eggs, the shiny plastic eggs may give them intestinal problems or require surgery, if swallowed.

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Another danger are Easter lilies. They're one of the most poisonous plants for pets, especially cats.  Felines that eat the flower can die from kidney failure in less than two days.

The worst, though, are those chocolate bunnies. The fat in chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats and dogs, and the stimulants can cause death.

If your pet eats or swallows something they're not supposed to, contact your veterinarian immediately.  If your vet is closed, call an emergency vet center. You can also contact the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

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