FDA issues tattoo ink warning

The Food and Drug Administration has a warning for anyone who's thinking about getting a tattoo- watch out for bad ink. Cleveland Clinic dermatologist Dr. Melissa Piliang says some inks are providing more than color.  She says some are contaminated with an infection-causing bacterium.

"Just know that there is a real risk of infection. It's not just this type of infection, these micro bacteria, but there are reports of Hepatitis C being transmitted because of needles being used on more than one client," she explained.

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FDA researchers became aware of the ink problem after testing kits designed for at-home use, but they say even ink from a professional tattoo parlor could cause a problem. Piliang says an infection caused by contaminated ink, or a contaminated needle can cause any number of skin reactions. (Read more from the FDA about the recent voluntary nationwide recall of ink, needles and tattoo kits.)

"Things to look for if you've had a tattoo are bumps, redness, drainage or puss within the areas of the tattoo. Often it's only in one color of ink, so say you have a tattoo that is red and blue and orange and green, it might only happen in the blue or only happen in the red ink," Piliang said.

FDA researchers say to avoid inks with no brand name, that are sold in kits, or don't have a "date produced," or a "best used by" date. Piliang says it is your skin, so you are within you're rights to ask a lot of questions.

"You certainly can ask to see the ink and bottle and I would question the tattoo artist about this report and if their ink is from that type of company. Make sure the ink is labeled and that there are lot numbers and all of the things we see on the products we buy, so it can be traced," she said.

The FDA would like you to report any adverse effects from a tattoo.  Information on how to do that is on the agency's website at www.FDA.gov.

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