Keep your COVID schedule: How to work from home indefinitely

The global coronavirus pandemic has made working at home the new normal for millions of Americans.

Before the pandemic, only 14% of U.S. employees worked from home full-time. Now, that number has jumped to 60%.

And many now working remotely are finding out they like it. A new Gallup poll shows three out of five remote employees said they didn’t want to return to the office.

If you enjoy the flexibility, how can you convince your boss to let you work from home indefinitely?

Tell your manager why the setup is better for the company and for you. For one, you’ll save time commuting. The average American who drives to work spends 54 hours per year stuck in traffic.

Also, working from home may make you more productive. One Stanford study found remote workers were 13% more efficient than their office peers.

And there’s less chance for spreading illness, like COVID-19.

You might want to come up with a system to track your daily productivity and suggest working remotely on a trial basis at first.

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