Working from home: How to be seen and heard

The coronavirus has changed the way we do most things, including our jobs.

The pandemic has forced millions of Americans to say goodbye to their workplaces and hello to their home offices. Almost twice as many employees are working from home than in a traditional setting.

According to some of the latest data, about 42% of working Americans are now working from home full-time.

While there can be benefits, it’s often difficult to stand out when you’re trying to perform remotely, but here are some tips for how to maximize your role.

Experts say check in with your team members and your managers often. Communicate about what you completed at least daily.

Also, set regular work hours and stick to them. And make sure you have a space that’s designated for your work only.

If you really want to stand out, productivity is key. One study found 60% of remote workers said they were either as productive or more productive. Turn in projects before they’re due.

Lastly, regularly propose new ideas to make systems run more smoothly.

According to the Census Bureau, in 2018, employees who worked at home earned more than those who commuted to work. The irony is many employees said they would be willing to take a pay cut for the chance to work from home.

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