When customer loyalty doesn't pay

Loyalty is a trait that people admire in a relationship, but when it comes to your cable or bank provider, you may be better off making a clean break. Good thing there are ways to switch and save when loyalty doesn't pay.

53 percent of cable customers said they would leave their provider if they thought they could; little do they know you can! If you threaten to leave for another competitor you may even find yourself with a much cheaper bill.

Being loyal to an insurance company usually doesn't pay at all, but by comparison shopping on sites like insurancequotes.com and carinsurance.com, experts say most people can save an average of $400 a year on auto insurance.

You can also pay lower fees and earn more interest by switching banks. 62 percent of non-interest checking accounts charge fees. You can often avoid these fees with an online bank or by switching to a credit union.

If you shop around, you may find yourself paying less, which is exactly what you want! You can also sometimes cut your interest rate with many credit card issuers just by making one phone call to them if your account is in good standing.

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