Stay on track with your 2014 resolutions

New year resolutions can be hard to keep, but they don't have to be, if they're realistic goals. Dr. Mike McKee, a psychologist at Cleveland Clinic says the key to successful resolutions is to use the "kiss" method- keep it simple and specific.

"Most people make these grandiose resolutions that they are going to be healthier, they're going to lose weight, they're going to exercise more, they're going to save money, well that's a vague statement of noble intention, but what you need is a specific prescription for action," explained McKee.

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If your goal is to exercise a little more this year, start by saying "I am going to workout on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for 30 minutes."  That's a specific and attainable goal.

If you try to make changes that are vague, you'll have less chance for success.  If you're trying to improve your diet, McKee says start by eliminating a junk food, like potato chips.

McKee says the best approach is to start small, then aim for bigger goals, and try to keep your list of resolutions short- don't take on too many at once.  He says to help reach those goals, you must keep track of your progress.

"If you can't measure it, you can't control it, so you have to keep records, absolutely, and you can keep them in any form that you want, but you've got to be able to make a visual out of them. You have got to be able to see the line going up the right way, so that you're making progress," he said.

McKee says that progress will serve as your reward and inspire you to keep going.

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