Not seeing results from your workout? This could be why

Have you been hitting the gym hard, but aren't seeing results?

For the average person who works out regularly, it takes two weeks to start seeing results when you try out a new workout.

But for beginners, it may take up to two months before you see any real change.

It's tough to stay motivated when you aren't seeing results. But don't give up just yet! 

You might be doing the wrong moves for your goals.

If you want to build muscle, personal trainer Dan Taylor said to focus on intensity.

"Generally, things that are a little bit lower in repetition and higher in resistance, a person doing an overhead dumbbell press, someone doing something like squats," Taylor said.

Barbell back squats, dumbbell farmer's walk, and bench presses are moves to build muscle. But if you want to gain balance, just stand and close youre eyes, Taylor said.

"That's just beginner right there," he said.

For more of a challenge, Mayo Clinic suggests weight shifts, single-leg balance, and bicep curls while balancing on one leg.

If your goal is to cut the fat and lose weight, Women's Day magazine says try running, swimming, and jump squats. But Taylor said any exercise is good exercise.

"There's no reason why a person shouldn't do aerobics and things like that but then weights also play a really good part in losing weight," he explained. 

A personal trainer can help you do the right exercises for your goal and keep you committed to an exercise routine. says on average, personal trainers cost $40 to $70 per hour.

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