Kick the groin, poke the eyes, chop the neck to save your life

Self-defense moves worth learning

One in four women will be assaulted, violently attacked, or beat up before their 18th birthday. But how many of us are actually prepared for a violent encounter? We caught up with a martial artist who's using her skills to keep women in her city from becoming a statistic.

They're preparing for the fight for their lives.

"In 5 seconds you could be out!" Sensei Beverly Bradley, from Underground Physique said.

For many women, a physical attack is a real threat, one Beverly Bradley doesn't take lightly.

"Chop the neck! This stops the flow of blood to the carotid arteries," Bradley explained.

The black belt has been teaching fitness for 25 years, but in 2004 her focus changed. Headlines and images of the murdered Florida girl, Carlie Brucia, girl struck a cord.

"Her footprints were all over the roof of the car and I said 'oh my God' this girl was fighting. It just broke my heart and I thought if she knew, if she knew some of the simplest things," Bradley said.

They are things she's vowed to teach other children and women.

I volunteered in every school I could find so hopefully no other girl or boy would ever be in that situation again," Bradley said.

Her rules are simple.

"Number one avoidance, number 2 awareness, number 3 make noise," Bradley said.

Your best defense?

"These are weapons. Your finger gets in an eye? Man it's a done deal," Bradley explained.

Regardless of the attackers strength, she says the ears, nose and neck are a universal weakness.

"This point will kill somebody but hey you have to take it personally if somebody's hands are around your neck," Bradley added.

She also teaches how to think like a criminal.

"I spoke to someone once who attacked who was in prison for attacking a woman. He said one of the things he looks for is long hair especially long hair with ponytails cause he can easily wrap his hand around it and throw someone to the ground," Bradley said.

Half of all attacks happen during the day. Walking alone, on the phone, or with headphones or full hands make you an easy target.

"That's when most attacks happen they're comfortable," Bradley added.

For Kathy it was the last place she expected.

"A cab ride turned into not so much of a cab ride they robbed us and tied us up," Kathy Love explained.

Now she's well prepared for battle. Bradley says even if you forget everything else…

"Never forget to make noise I don't care if you seem nuts," Bradley added.

Self-defense experts say if you're attacked it's better to yell actual words about the attack, than to scream, as loud screams are more likely to be ignored.

Channel 4 Crime and Safety Expert, Ken Jefferson says during an attack, do everything in your power not to leave with your attacker.  Stats show once you move to a second crime scene, your chances of escaping drop greatly, as 74 percent of abducted and murdered kids are dead within three hours.

Additional Information:


  • Every Single Day 4 Women are Killed by Abusive Partners
  • 1 in 4 Women will be Sexually Assaulted in Their Lifetime
  • A Woman is Raped Every 46 seconds


A large part of self-defense is attack recognition. Your personal security plan should include the ability to recognize body language, trusting your instincts and reacting decisively when your life is on the line. By being able to recognize the pre-attack signals you will increase your reaction time to avoid and or escape an attack.

SENSEI BEVERLY BRADLEY has been studying Martial Arts for over 25 years. She became a Personal Trainer in 1998. In 2000 she launched Kamili Afya as a safe haven for women to learn about fitness, nutrition, and self-defense. Kamili Afya meaning Complete Health successfully educated hundreds of women during its tenure.

Due to the increase in domestic violence, random violence, rapes and violent deaths, there is a need for this type of institution again! Women need to be able to defend themselves! "Underground Physique" is an exclusive sisterhood created to inspire women to live healthier lifestyles. "I take my teachings seriously and intend to work only with those that are serious about improving their health and learning to defend themselves!" Bradley said.

KILINDA: Bradley also created a comic book, featuring the character known as KILINDA. The young woman finds herself entangled in dangerous situations, from online predators, teen pregnancy, stranger danger, domestic violence, child abuse, obesity, bullying, and issues with self-esteem. Each volume teaches some form of self-defense, avoidance and awareness. The goal is to reach today's young people and teach them these safety tips, and defenses so as to limit the amount of abuse and attacks on our children!

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