Afternoon rains bring flash floods across Jacksonville

Heavy rains expected again Tuesday

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Monday's heavy rain left many parts of Jacksonville under water and brought the afternoon rush hour to a stand still.

The rain also flooded 35 units at the Summer Oaks apartment complex in Arlington. Some tenants had to leave their flooded out apartments for the night, but others have no where else to go and are staying in the soaked out apartments. 

The apartments Channel 4 saw Monday night have soaked carpet and walls. Some residents were concerned about potential health problems and mold growth in their homes. 

"I have asthma, so if it starts to mold and mildew, then that'd be more health problems for me and that's something I don't need right now," said Ryon Holiday. "I never thought it would be like this. Everything -- my brother's room is soaking wet... the water has penetrated all the way back to the bathroom."

"When I got out of bed and stepped down about 30-40 minutes later, everything was wet," said Rhonda Doyle.

Management at Summer Oaks apartment complex told Channel 4 off camera that they were working as fast as they could to accommodate residents whose apartments were flooded Monday. 

Because of the threat of severe weather over the next 24 hours, the Channel 4 weather team has declared Tuesday a Weather Authority Alert Day. 

Channel 4 will have cut-ins at the top of every hour to keep the public informed of the wet weather and conditions on the road. 

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