Palm Beach Zoo apologizes for 'party' email

Email to subscribers offers 'sincere apology' for eblast 'created weeks ago'

The Palm Beach Zoo sent an email apology to its subscribers after an earlier email touted a "Party for the Planet" celebration just days after zookepper Stacey Konwiser was killed in a tiger attack.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – The Palm Beach Zoo has apologized for sending an email promoting an upcoming Earth Day party in light of the recent tiger attack that claimed the life of a zookeeper.

Subscribers of the zoo's email communications received an email titled "It's a party weekend at the Zoo" on Tuesday morning. The email was touting its "Party for the Planet" celebration planned for Saturday.

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A few hours later, however, subscribers received another email apologizing for the ill-timed message.

"Please accept our most sincere apology for this morning's email announcing previously scheduled events at the Palm Beach Zoo," the email said. "The eblast communication was created weeks ago. Unfortunately, during our grieving this was overlooked."

The email went on to say that the celebration has been postponed, as well as an upcoming lecture series and food truck event.

Stacey Konwiser, 38, died Friday after she was injured by a male Malaysian tiger in the night house where tigers sleep and are fed.

It was the first animal-related human death in the zoo's history.

The tiger was tranquilized and remains at the zoo. Palm Beach Zoo spokeswoman Naki Carter hasn't released the tiger's identity and said the tiger has now become the target of death threats.

A fund has been created to support tiger conservation in honor of Konwiser.

About the Author

Peter Burke returned for a second stint of duty at Local 10 News in February 2014.

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