New bill could make gun silencers easier to buy

New bill could make gun silencers easier to buy

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – You’ve probably seen them in the movies, mostly used by bad guys and spies. Gun silencers are meant to muffle the loud bang of a bullet being fired. Now, gun owners hope a new president in the White House will help get rid of the restrictions in place to buy them.

Supporters of this move say it’s all about shooters’ safety. It’s called the Hearing Protection Act and it’s being back by Donald Trump Junior, an avid big game hunter.

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Manufacturers and gun rights activists say the regulations on the books today make it hard for them to buy something that can easily protect their ears.

Gun silencers are often used by hunters.

"It's mostly for protecting your hearing. So it really should be an easier process," said Phillip Gazaleh with Green Acres Sporting Goods.

Gazaleh shows how the process means a lengthy application.

"Model number, what caliber it's for, the length, and so on. You have to get your fingerprint cards, and your passport photos now, you have to get a trust, and the biggest thing they want you to check, is the $200 spot," said Gazaleh.

All of these reasons are why the topic is making a lot of noise in Congress. News4JAX Crime and Safety Analyst,Gil Smith believes silencers could hurt crime prevention.

“If police officers are out on patrol sometimes you know because sometimes they will drive with their windows down and they hear different sounds, they hear shots they can respond more quickly as opposed to if someone has a silencer and they may not hear those shots,” said Smith.

People opposing this proposed bill say making it easier to buy a suppressor would lead to them getting into the wrong hands. Supporters say that’s unlikely.

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