Attorney general, agriculture commissioner face off over concealed carry

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – A controversy is brewing in the Florida Capitol over concealed carry permit applications.

The Department of Agriculture closed its nine regional offices in mid-March, eliminating one of three options for concealed carry applicants to be fingerprinted.

The coronavirus outbreak has effectively closed the other two options for applicants to get fingerprinted: tax collectors and law enforcement, which says fingerprinting, except for criminals, puts officers at too much risk because of the close contact.

Now, the Attorney General Ashley Moody is warning her fellow Cabinet member, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, she might be facing a lawsuit.

“It concerned our office that these applications for concealed weapons licenses would be delayed,” Moody said.

A similar suit was filed in Georgia.

“If Nikki Fried can read, she needs to read the law,” said National Rifle Association spokesperson Marion Hammer.

The NRA sent out an alert to its members, citing a specific Florida statute, which does not give Fried the authority to suspend accepting applications or renewals.

“They need to call the governor, email the governor and ask the governor to make Nikki Fried quit violating their rights,” Hammer said.

Fried is pushing back, arguing her offices have processed thousands of applications since March.

In her letter, Fried told the attorney general that if she was concerned about applications, she should focus her attention on the unemployment situation.

READ: April 21 letter from Attorney General Ashley Moody | April 22 letter from Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried

Capitol News Service asked the attorney general if Fried should be forced to reopen her nine regional offices.

“It’s their responsibility. And it’s within their purview, and they need to complete that function and that responsibility, especially during this time of emergency,” Moody said.

What’s unclear is whether Fried, through her own executive order, has the authority to extend existing licenses for 90 days, which she did.

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