Jacksonville father guilty of killing 2-month-old daughter sentenced to 23.5 years

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A Jacksonville father who pleaded guilty to killing his 2-month-old daughter in December 2020 was sentenced Tuesday.

Steven Strahm was sentenced to 23 and a half years in prison for second-degree murder and aggravated child abuse.

His daughter Scarlet spent two weeks in Hospice before she died.

Strahm took the stand and said the situation was an accident and it has been a struggle for not only the family but also himself.

“Mr. Strahm I’m gonna adjudicate you guilty of the charge of second-degree murder in that stick in charge of aggravated child abuse under this issue according to the negotiated agreement that you’ve reached with the state. So that is 280.5 months and Florida State Prison,” said Judge Jeb Branham passing down Strahm’s sentence.

Strahm was originally charged with child neglect and aggravated child abuse in 2020 but those charges upgraded to second-degree murder in 2021.

He was found guilty of throwing his daughter Scarlet “against a wall four to five times” then dropping her on her head and never calling for help.

The medical examiner said the infant suffered head injuries and seizures.

In Strahm’s sentencing hearing, the family’s attorney read victim impact statements from Scarlet’s mother and aunt.

“You broke me. You took the best part of me away and you broke me,” the statement from Breanna Kilzer read. “I never got to hear her giggle. I never got to watch her crawl or hear her first words or watch her take her first steps. She should be two and a half and probably be the most amazing person now but I’ll never know.”

Strahm also gave a statement.

“Even though it was an accident you know, that doesn’t mean I’ll forgive myself for it either way. But I never gave up. I do believe everyone can find peace after this. Everyone can move on. It’s a battle. It’s a struggle for everybody. Including myself,” Strahm said.

News4JAX spoke to Scarlet’s family as they were walking out of the courtroom, and they say they’re just glad that it’s over.

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