Burglary victim upset after stolen gun found at homicide scene

Police tell Ross Greco he will not be able to get his $600 Glock back

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – More than a year after his gun was stolen, a Jacksonville man said authorities notified him Wednesday that the firearm was found at the scene of a homicide.

Ross Greco said his guns were locked up, but the burglars who entered his home on April 1, 2015 -- April Fools' Day -- were able to get his gun safe open.

"It wasn't any joke. It was something real serious," Greco said. 

After his former home was burglarized last year, Greco filed a report with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.

"Someone broke into my house and I came in and everything in the house was ransacked -- the whole nine yards. And the first thing I thought of was my guns. I went and where the guns were -- no guns to be found," he said.

Greco said his .22 Magnum and .40-caliber Glock were stolen. But he received a call from a detective Wednesday, saying his $600 Glock had been found, but he wouldn't be able to get it back.

"He says, 'We found your gun.' And I say, 'Great!' I say, 'When can I pick it up?' He says, 'Well, unfortunately, it was at the scene of a homicide and you'll never get it back.' I ask him, 'Why not?' He says because they keep homicide stuff forever, even though it wasn't the gun that actually killed someone, but it was there. That's like stealing twice," Greco said. 

According to News4Jax crime and safety analyst Gil Smith, Greco's gun is now evidence in a crime. 

And if it is ever returned to him, it won't be until a trial is over, Smith said.

Often times, Smith said, guns are not returned right away because ballistics tests have to be run to see if the gun can be link to other crimes. But Greco said it's just not fair.

"I've worked my backside off, saved up $600, somebody steals my gun. The police find my gun and they are taking it again," Greco said.

The officer assisting Greco could not tell him which homicide investigation the gun is involved in. But Greco said he asked the detective to extend his condolences to the victim's family.

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