Survey: 40% of women have faced sexual harassment when traveling

Tips to help women stay safe while traveling alone

Globally, 74% of women have traveled alone or were planning to do so, according to TripAdvisor. But another survey states that two out of five women have faced sexual harassment or unwelcome interactions when traveling. 

Traveling alone can be challenging, just ask Lambrine Macejewsk, who has been to Australia, Israel and Morocco.

She knows it’s crucial to be vigilant. Her friend was attacked on a running trail while traveling.

“She kicked the person and screamed and yelled and was able to get away, but that doesn’t always happen,” Macejewsk said. 

A New York Times article advised to check out free apps like Chirpey, Mayday Safety and TripWhistle that show dangerous areas and tell how to contact local law enforcement. 

Also, have a plan of where you’re going and how to get there. has safety information for each country and a guide for women travelers.

Divide up your cash and bring two phones so that, in case of a robbery, you don’t lose everything.

It’s a good idea for all women to take a self-defense class and carry pepper spray or a pocketknife with them.

Keep your hotel doors locked and consider bringing a rubber door stop that can keep doors from being pushed open.

Macejewsk said don’t let fear stop you from exploring the world, but always be aware. 

“If something looks suspicious, it probably is suspicious or there’s something not right,” she said.

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