Weekend surf set to rock coast with big north swell

The southeast waits for powerful developing Nor’easter in unlikely location

Saturday wind (wjxt)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Nor’easters typically bomb out and impact the northeastern part of the country but one will develop right off the Florida coast making good surfing conditions if you time the wind right.

A surface low will develop Friday night offshore Jacksonville as a strong dip in the Jet stream phases with the subtropical jet.

This southern branch will make things wet Friday morning and cloudy Saturday but surfers are more concerned about the onshore winds chopping up the developing NE weekend swell.

Saturday wave height (wjxt)

Friday breezy 15 mph north winds may go slightly NW at times but may also come with flukey switches to sideshore as the 3′ chest high surf tries to clean up. The proximity of the offshore low near the coast brings the inconsistency.

Odds of offshore winds are more reliable south of St. Johns county while Central Florida will score lighter 8-10 mph westerly winds all day.

Saturday: Winds appear more NW as winds increase over 20 mph, gusts 25. Waves should be consistent and building to head to overhead. Some better form is possible.

Sunday surf starts to clean up with breezy NNE morning winds 15 mph dropping to 8-10 before sunset as the low pulls away.

Monday will be the epic day as long 10-11 second period swell combines with light 5-10 mph N/NE winds.

If you travel, Sunday and Monday will stand out down in Palm Beach with photogenic overhead north swell!

About the Author

After covering the weather from every corner of Florida and doing marine research in the Gulf, Mark Collins settled in Jacksonville to forecast weather for The First Coast.

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