Rip current conditions will be bad at Jacksonville-area beaches this weekend

The 1-day mini-nor’easter hangs on like a guest who overstays their visit.

Rip Currents and Small Craft Issues

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. – It’s been a windy and active weekend when it comes to our coastal areas with a high rip current risk in place.

Keep children in shallow waters, The waves will have quite a bit of energy in them so stay close to shore, they could easily knock your over. Just remember, if you ever feel the ocean is too much, it most likely is, and you should stay in shallow waters.

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If you ever get caught in a rip current where you can notably see yourself being pulled out to sea, DON’T PANIC!

Often times, you might try and stand in this current, but the sand beneath your feet gives way and you end up floating in the water. At this point, try and swim your way UP or DOWN the beach. Often times you don’t have to swim UP or DOWN the beach very far, maybe only 20- to 30-feet and you may feel the rip current relax. Then, either try standing, walking or swimming back to shore.

Most importantly, don’t panic, even as incoming waves may be battering you.

Just remember, most rip currents tend to be short lived (<3 minutes), they only take you out so far (<150-feet), and are only so wide (<120-feet).

The fastest current is just off the beach and can reach speeds of 5 mph!
Swim up or down the coast

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