The top 5 items to include in your Build-A-Kit That Fits

Your first priority should be staying informed. Do you own a weather radio?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – One down and how many more to go? With any luck, all tropical developments this year will be like Ana, which on May 22 became the Atlantic hurricane season’s first named storm.

In the event one of the swirling storms comes our way, are you prepared? Here are the top five items I think you should have in your “Build-A-Kit That Fits” to make getting through the storm and aftermath a little bit safer and easier.

Thanks to our friends at Ace Hardware, there is a checklist of vital supplies, so you can shop at your convenience and stock up on some of these items as needed.

NEED SUPPLIES? Build-A-Kit That Fits | Printable checklist of key hurricane supplies

Your priority first and foremost should be staying informed. In the event cell data and connections are down, a weather radio will keep you in the loop with the latest information.

Chances are if the phones are down, your power’s out too. So your second priority should be a flashlight and batteries. Today’s LED flashlights seem to sip battery juice compared to older models, so it might be time to upgrade to brighter, longer lasting illumination.

Up next is duct tape, which could easily be the No. 1 item on your checklist. For this list, though, we’ll rank it No. 3 with the No. 4 item being tarps and tie-downs. From roof breaches to broken windows, these supplies will literally keep you covered and protect your belongings from wind-driven rain.

And last but certainly not least: gas cans. Over the last couple of years, we have been in the dark for a total of 11 days. And while they’re noisy, a generator is a necessity for personal comfort. But to keep it running, you want to make sure you have plenty of safely stored fuel and practice safe generator usage to reduce your risk of a fire or exposure to carbon dioxide.

Last but certainly not to be forgotten, gas cans. Over the last couple years, we have been in the dark for a total of 11 days. A generator is a noisy necessity for comfort and connection. To keep it running make sure you have plenty of safely stored fuel and practice safe generator usage to reduce your risk of fire or exposure to carbon monoxide.

Bonus: we’ve got one last item (thanks to Luvbug, also known as Cyndi) and it’s a portable air conditioner. These aren’t a must and they’re not inexpensive, but they do provide an oasis of tranquility when the power goes out. Portable’s the key word here as you can stay cool wherever you go. Plus, the white noise helps drown out the sound of your generator.

Crossing our fingers only goes so far, so stay alert and prepare as much as needed. With the help of your neighborhood Ace Hardware store and The Weather Authority, you can “Build-A-Kit That Fits” and stay ahead of the storm.

About the Author

Richard Nunn is the Weather Authority Chief Meteorologist

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