RDB Exclusive Traveling Fashion Show

RDB is a traveling Fashion Show. Wherever they have traveled, they have made an impact. While In Atlanta, they met Mercedes Millionaire who loved their show so much she actually became part of the team. Since then they have collaborated with Mercedes Millionaire and her charity where they gather items like non perishables, school supplies and clothes for single mothers.

Yesdnilco focuses on 1& None customs that tell a story about who you are and your likes and interests. Their work is extremely unique as each piece of art is personalized for each client. They do everything… any article of clothing is an option from jeans, t-shirts, jackets and hats to canvas, couches, chairs and even the walls of your home. They are a 1 stop shop for Unique 1 of a kind customs.

They are prepping for their upcoming fashion show in June with a model search coming up fast.

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