Mental Wellness Wednesday: Why your mindset matters

We have all heard how important mindset is to your mental health. But did you know that there is a strong mind – body connection where your mindset can lead to physiological changes.

One study looked at hotel cleaners – they reported that they didn’t exercise regularly.

Half of them were told that cleaning is more than enough activity to meet the surgeon general’s recommendation of a 30 mins of physical activity daily.

A month later, researchers found that the group who were told that their daily activities were healthy showed lower blood pressure, lost weight and were much healthier.

Here is how you can make it work for you.

1) Be intentional – notice what you do

2) Remind yourself of the benefits

3) Reframe to celebrate what you ARE doing, not what you are not.

Example: in another study, people who believed that they were more physically active compared to their peers, lived longer, healthier


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